TX Whiskey

Visual Design | Layout
Project Overview
Challenge: As part of Pernod Ricard’s portfolio of premium spirits and wine, TX Whiskey is a fiercely Texan brand of smooth whiskeys and bourbons. TX’s flagship product, the Blended Whiskey can be found in stores throughout the US.But the website failed to showcase the true ruggedness of the brand.

Solution: As the lead designer on the team, I worked with our UX, content, and tech experts, as well as the full brand team to create an intuitive, immersive web experience. Our goals: to demonstrate the versatility of the whiskey, encourage people to come visit the Fort Worth distillery, and to add a little rugged elegance to the overall look and feel.

Design Exploration: I worked closely with the brand creative team to ensure new brand guidelines would be website compliant.

Design Mockups: Using Figma, I created design mockups based on the team’s low-fi wireframes.

Presented Designs to Client: Walked the client through each step of the design mockups to get buy in.
My Role
Lead Digital Designer: Full Website Redesign

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